In this article we consider the early stages of psoriasis, what causes it and the mechanism of formation of damaged zones. By following our recommendations, you can recognize the symptoms of psoriasis at an early stage and get rid of it.
Early signs of psoriasis
Patients may have different early signs of psoriasis. The disease is characterized by an acute onset, the rash occurs in a short time. The primary rash is also called a duty or caregiver rash.
The initial stage lasts for several weeks. The duration of the disease depends on the general condition of the body and its protective ability.
The rash consists of pale pink to red papules (pimples) that rise on the skin. They are dense when touched.
After a while, you may find silvery whitish scales that are easy to remove. The skin of the affected area is inflamed, swollen, reddish is observed.
Experts identify 3 features of psoriasis that differentiate it from other diseases:
Feature | Feature |
Stearin stain. | This is a plaque, friction accompanied by the appearance of a small scale. |
Psoriatic movies. | The last layer that can be removed from the skin after the scales. This layer is similar to a plastic wrap. |
The phenomenon of blood dew or Auspitz. | The appearance of blood droplets that violate the integrity of psoriatic films. |
The rash has different shapes: dots, drop-shaped, coin-shaped, ring-shaped, scattered.
In addition to rashes, patients are worried about exfoliation, redness, itching of varying intensity.
Psoriasis on the elbow

Psoriasis plaque is a feature of the elbow zone. At first, a single red papule appears. Then the skin begins to peel and rough.
Psoriasis on the feet
The first signs: small rash, inflammation and swelling of the skin. Special localization: knees and feet. Over time, the skin peels off, the disease begins to persist.
Psoriasis on the hands
The first papule is found in the extensor joint (in the fingers and in the elbow area). Often, a rash occurs on the palms of the hands along with lesions on the feet. Sometimes psoriatic arthritis occurs. It affects joints of various sizes. It is characterized by swelling, redness and deformation of the joints, painful sensations may be disturbing.
Psoriasis on the nails
The manifestation of the disease on the nail plate looks like a fungal infection. First, there are longitudinal grooves and depressed points along the edges of the nail. The process moves closer to the nail root zone over time. Nails are dull and thick. As the disease progresses, the nails may peel off.
Psoriasis on the head
Localization of the rash: the front, behind the ear and neck area. The papular rash is accompanied by crusts and itching. Damaged areas are often wet and cracked. The characteristic symptom is the "psoriatic crown". It occurs when the rash exceeds hair growth.
Psoriasis on the face
This disease rarely affects the front of the head. Localization of the rash: eyelids, nasolabial folds, around the eyes, in the eyebrow area, on the cheeks in the form of fine nets.

Characteristics of early stages of psoriasis in children
To determine if a child has psoriasis, the first thing to look for is redness between the skin folds and the appearance of small pimples (papules) at the site of friction with clothing and irritation. The child becomes restless due to itching and burning.
Need to know! In infants without the necessary examination, the early stages of psoriasis can be mistaken for manifestations of allergies, diathesis, prickly heat, diaper dermatitis. A hallmark of psoriasis is its clear boundaries.
It should be noted that congenital psoriasis in children is characterized by more obvious clinical manifestations from the moment of birth.
Children with weakened immunity after severe infection are at risk for psoriasis. Particular attention should be paid to children whose parents are ill with psoriasis.
Mechanism of psoriatic plaque formation
Psoriasis spots are areas where inflammatory reactions occur and the formation of keratinocytes (epithelial cells) occurs. In this case, an excess of capillaries forms in the dermis. Infiltration (immersion) of damaged skin with lymphocytes and macrophages causes its thickening and increase. As a result, pale gray spots form that look like hardened wax.
Important! Typically, the epidermis is renewed every 30 days. With psoriasis, the duration of this process is significantly reduced. Cell division, maturation and death in this disease occur in just 5 days. Due to the rapid pathology, communication between cells is lost.
Experts identify several provoking factors:
- Hereditary tendencies.It is assumed that genetic damage occurs in the human body, leading to increased keratinization.
- Immune system disorders,cause increased lymphocyte (T-cell) production and inflammation. Autoimmune reactions are not excluded - damage to the cells and tissues themselves as a result of their perception as foreign.
- Endocrine pathology,metabolic disorders.
- Diseases of the nervous system.
- Psycho-emotional stress, excessive stress.This factor is a provocateur of the development of this disease, and also contributes to its increase. During stress, the body releases hormones and a number of biochemical reactions, which cause the appearance of rashes and scales.
- Alcohol use,drugs, smoking tobacco products.
Need to know!Children whose parents have psoriasis have a higher risk of developing the disease.
Disease Diagnostics
If you suspect you have psoriasis, see your dermatologist. As a rule, after an external examination and evaluation of the condition of the damaged skin area, he prescribes a diagnosis. In rare cases, when doubts and difficulties arise in the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes additional research methods. These include:
- Skin biopsy- a procedure for taking samples of damaged skin. Helps identify changes at the cellular level.
- Blood test.Helps identify the presence of inflammation and excludes other diseases.
- X-ray joints.It is used exclusively for joint pain to exclude the development of psoriatic arthritis.
- Bacteriological cultureof the pharynx. It is prescribed to confirm the form of tear-shaped psoriasis and to exclude acute pharyngitis.
- Potassium hydroxide test.Helps eliminate fungal infections.
Disease Treatment
Unfortunately, there is no way to cure the disease right now. Therefore, the main purpose of therapy is to eliminate the symptoms and stop the relapse with an increase in the time of remission (time interval to weaken and the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease). Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive and long-term.
After making a diagnosis, determining the severity and severity of the disease, the dermatologist selects the necessary treatment method. Before starting therapy, corrections to the patient's diet and lifestyle are performed. All factors that may cause this disease are excluded without fail.
In the early stages, the doctor may prescribe:
Group of drugs | Drug name | Expected effects and treatment features. |
Keratolitik | Betamethasone. | Increases exfoliation. |
Vitamin | Vitamin D3 or A derivatives. | Improves the general condition of the body and skin. |
Local non-hormonal drugs with anti-inflammatory effect | Clemastine, Promethazine Hydrochloride. | Eliminates inflammation, redness, swelling. |
Tar Ointment | Coal Tar Oil Extract | Improves healing. |
Means containing solidol | Has a positive effect on healing, relieves itching. | |
Salicylic acid ointment | Salicylic acid | Accelerates healing and promotes crust. |
Do not use aggressive drugs at first. The drug should be for external use, the doctor prescribes for oral administration in the event of severe illness.
In addition to drug treatment, specialists prescribe physiotherapy procedures:
- UFO (ultraviolet radiation).
- Bath: paraffin, radon, sulfide.
- Hirudotherapy.
Traditional treatment methods
At home, you can use folk recipes for treatment. It should be carried out exclusively together with the main treatment prescribed by a dermatologist, and only after consulting a doctor.
There are many recipes aimed at improving the general condition of the body, as well as topical remedies to eliminate the external manifestations of the disease. Rope, flaxseed oil, celandine, calendula salend have a good effect.

Consider the most popular recipes for alternative treatments:
Ointment for psoriasis
- St. John's wort - 20
- Celandine (grass with roots) - 20 g.
- Propolis - 20g.
- Calendula -10 years
- Vegetable oil - 10 g.
How to cook:Crush all the plants until smooth. Then add vegetable oil and mix well. Store in a cool, dark place.
How to use:Lubricate affected skin 2-3 times a day.
The result:herbal ointment will help get rid of inflammation.
Egg Ointment
- Chicken eggs - 2 pieces.
- Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.
- Acetic acid - 40 g.
How to cook:Beat eggs and butter. Then add acetic acid to the resulting mass and mix well.
How to use:lubricate the affected skin once a day at night.
Results:Effective healing eliminates the early signs of psoriasis - reduces swelling, redness, and helps get rid of rashes.
Boil herbs
- Buckthorn - 10 years
- Tansy flowers - 10 g.
- Chamomile flowers - 15 g.
- Vodka - 50 g.
- Sea buckthorn oil - 10 g.
- Air - 1 glass.
How to cook:cut all the plants. Then pour boiling water over and boil for 5 minutes. After that, let the broth soak for 40 minutes. Then strain and add vodka, sea buckthorn oil and mix well.
How to use:Take a decoction in it once a day. To do this, dilute the product - 3 drops per 0. 3 cups of warm boiled water. Liquid broth - 1 tbsp. For the same amount of water, apply once on damaged skin.
Results:broth removes rashes and inflammation, when taken orally - has a general strengthening effect on the body.
Proper nutrition is the key to your health. Properly selected diet will help prevent the worsening of psoriasis. Individual meals are provided for each patient.
Be sure to exclude from your diet:
- Alcohol and tobacco products.
- Coffee.
- Chocolate.
- Smoked meats and spicy foods.
- Preservatives and carbonated beverages.
Also, limit the use of flour products, sweets.
Your diet should be complete and meet your energy needs. Nutritionists recommend including the following in your diet:
- Fermented dairy products.
- Vegetable oil.
- Fresh vegetables and fruits.
- Porridge.
Which grease is used for psoriasis?
For this purpose, medical solidol is needed, which is sold in pharmacies. The most effective agent in its pure form without additives.
Can psoriasis be treated with traditional medicine?
Probably, but only in combination with traditional methods and after consulting a doctor on this matter. Bathing salt has a good effect (sea salt is used). They help get rid of inflammation on chamomile or bath straps. Itching will help eliminate juniper infusion. In the early stages, rubbing with oatmeal helps eliminate exfoliation.
Is psoriasis contagious?
The answer is no: psoriasis is not contagious. The origin of infectious diseases has been completely denied.
Is psoriasis hair loss?
If psoriasis is not combined with other diseases that cause hair loss, then this does not happen. In most patients, hair loss is not observed.
What makes psoriasis worse?
This disease has a period of increase and decrease. Knowing the factors that aggravate the situation will increase the time when you will not be disturbed by the manifestations. There are several possible causes of deterioration, so they should be considered and remembered:
- Skin damage and scratches.The most common symptoms of psoriasis are itching and burning. Overcoming damaged areas worsens the situation.
- Sunlight.Sunlight, when exposed to simple skin, is beneficial. But at the same time, tanning can trigger the development of psoriasis.
- Pressure.Some patients show that after nervous tension, the manifestations of psoriasis worsen.
- Various infections.They disrupt the body's immune system, weakening it.
- Diet.A healthy and proper diet is very important to treat this disease. But if violated, patients will see their condition worsen. Especially if you consume alcohol and smoke an unlimited amount of tobacco.
Can I remove the scales myself?
Impossible! You cannot throw away your own scales. This can cause itching and discomfort.
Things to Remember
- Psoriasis is a chronic disease with periods of increase and deterioration.
- There is currently no cure for this disease. Treatment consists of relieving symptoms and increasing the duration of remission (when psoriasis symptoms do not appear).
- The early stages of the disease are well treated, so if the first signs appear, consult a dermatologist.
- Children whose parents have psoriasis are more likely to have the disease.